Welcome to Holy Trinity Walnut.

We are a confessional congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod located in Walnut, Illinois. Our service includes traditional liturgy and closed communion. Join us for weekly worship and Bible class!

Reverend Phillip Fischaber, Senior Pastor

Rev. Fischaber graduated in May of 2017 from Concordia Theological Seminary - Fort Wayne, IN with his Master’s of Divinity. He then moved to Cincinnati, OH in order to attend Hebrew Union College for graduate school. While there, he met and married his wife Sierra and welcomed a firstborn son. After graduating with a Master’s of Philosophy from Hebrew Union, Rev. Fischaber accepted a call to Holy Trinity Walnut, where he now continues work on his Ph.D. in History of Biblical Interpretation. Pastor Fischaber, now a father of three, is currently in the process of writing a dissertation focusing on 16th and 17th century Lutheran Bible interpretation. In his spare time, Rev. Fischaber can be found woodworking, gardening, and playing with his children.

Reverend Kevin Koester, Assistant Pastor

Please excuse our dust! Rev. Koester was very recently installed. A photo and bio are coming soon.

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and the practices of the

Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod: